Protons and Electrons

There is an important equilibrium in the atom that we must consider: the balance between its nucleus and electrons.

Put in its simplest terms, electrons revolve around the nucleus. The reason for this is electrical charge. Electrons have a negative charge and protons have a positive charge. Opposite charges attract, so an atom’s electrons are drawn towards the nucleus. But the electrons are also moving at an enormous speed which would, under normal conditions, cause them to shoot away from the nucleus. These two forces (attraction and motion away) are balanced so that the electrons move in orbits around the nucleus.

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The Mathematics of Probability Refutes “Coincidence”

There are extraordinary balances among the forces that make human life possible in this universe. The speed of the Big Bang’s explosion, the values of the four fundamental forces, and all the other variables which are vital for existence have been arranged according to an extraordinary precision.

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The Speed of the Explosion

People hearing of the Big Bang but not considering the subject at length do not think about what an extraordinary plan must lie behind this explosion. That’s because the notion of an explosion doesn’t suggest harmony, plan, or organization to most people. In fact there are a number of very puzzling aspects to the intricate order in the Big Bang.

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