The Order in The Skies

…Something else has to be behind things, somehow guiding them. And that, one might say, is a kind of mathematical proof of divinity.  (Guy Marchie, American Science Writer) 1

During the night of July 4th in 1054, Chinese astronomers witnessed an extraordinary event: a very bright star that suddenly appeared near the constellation Taurus. It was so bright that it could easily be seen even in daytime. At night it was brighter than the Moon.

What Chinese astronomers observed was one of the most interesting and catastrophic astronomic phenomena in our universe. It was a supernova.

A supernova is a star that is shattered by an explosion. A huge star destroys itself in an immense blast and the material of its core is scattered in every direction. The light produced during this event is a thousand times brighter than normal.

Continue reading The Order in The Skies

Protons and Electrons

There is an important equilibrium in the atom that we must consider: the balance between its nucleus and electrons.

Put in its simplest terms, electrons revolve around the nucleus. The reason for this is electrical charge. Electrons have a negative charge and protons have a positive charge. Opposite charges attract, so an atom’s electrons are drawn towards the nucleus. But the electrons are also moving at an enormous speed which would, under normal conditions, cause them to shoot away from the nucleus. These two forces (attraction and motion away) are balanced so that the electrons move in orbits around the nucleus.

Continue reading Protons and Electrons

A Lesser Alchemy Lab: The Sun

1. Hydrogen fuel,
2. Heat passes through the hydrogen layer to the surface,
3. Heat reaching the surface is radiated away,
4. Helium core
The Sun is a giant nuclear reactor that constantly transforms atoms of hydrogen into helium and produces heat in the process. What is crucial to this process however is the incredible precision with which these reactions are balanced within the Sun. The slightest change in any of the forces governing these reactions would result in their failure or in a catastrophic runaway explosion.

Continue reading A Lesser Alchemy Lab: The Sun

Part 2: Resonance and Double Resonance

1. Helium nucleus,
2. Carbon nucleus,
3. The extraordinarily unstable isotope of beryllium that is formed in red giants,
4. Normal beryllium as found on Earth.

Resonance is defined as the harmony of frequencies (vibrations) of two different materials.

Continue reading Part 2: Resonance and Double Resonance

Seeing the Plain Truth

galaksi220th-century science has come up with categorical evidence that the universe was created by Allah. The anthropic principle reveals every detail of a universe that has been created for mankind to live in and in which there is no place for chance.

The remarkable part is that the ones who discovered all this and came to the conclusion that the universe couldn’t possibly have come into being by accident are the very same people who defend the philosophy of materialism. Scientists such as Paul Davies, Arno Penzias, Fred Hoyle and Roger Penrose are not pious men and they certainly had no intention of proving Allah’s existence as they pursued their work. But they all reached the conclusion that–although some are unwillingly–universe is created by a superior power.

Continue reading Seeing the Plain Truth

The Mathematics of Probability Refutes “Coincidence”

There are extraordinary balances among the forces that make human life possible in this universe. The speed of the Big Bang’s explosion, the values of the four fundamental forces, and all the other variables which are vital for existence have been arranged according to an extraordinary precision.

Continue reading The Mathematics of Probability Refutes “Coincidence”

The Four Forces

The speed of the Big Bang’s explosion is only one of the remarkable states of equilibrium at the initial moment of Creation. Immediately after the Big Bang, forces that underpin and organize the universe we live in had to be numerically “just right” otherwise there would have been no universe.

Continue reading The Four Forces

The Speed of the Explosion

People hearing of the Big Bang but not considering the subject at length do not think about what an extraordinary plan must lie behind this explosion. That’s because the notion of an explosion doesn’t suggest harmony, plan, or organization to most people. In fact there are a number of very puzzling aspects to the intricate order in the Big Bang.

Continue reading The Speed of the Explosion

The Equilibrium in The Explosion

the big bang ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Scientists estimate that there are over 300 billion galaxies in the whole universe. These galaxies have a number of different forms (spiral, elliptical, etc) and each contains about as many stars as the universe contains galaxies. One of these stars, the Sun, has nine major planets rotating around in it in great harmony. All of us live on the third of those planets counting from the Sun.

Continue reading The Equilibrium in The Explosion

Objections to the Fact of Creation and Why They are Flawed

It is patently obvious that the Big Bang means the Creation of the universe out of nothing and this is surely evidence of willful Creation. Regarding this fact, some materialist astronomers and physicists have tried to advance alternative explanations to oppose this reality. Mention has already been made of the steady state theory and it was pointed out it was clung to, by those who were uncomfortable with the notion of “Creation from nothingness”, despite all the evidence to the contrary in an attempt to shore up their philosophy.

Continue reading Objections to the Fact of Creation and Why They are Flawed