The Rhythm of The Atoms


If the world’s finest minds can unravel only with difficulty the deeper workings of nature, how could it be supposed that those workings are merely a mindless accident, a product of blind chance? (Paul Davies, Professor of Theoretical Physics)

Scientists are in general agreement that, on the basis of calculations, the Big Bang took place about 17 billion years ago. All the matter making up the universe was created from nothingness but with the wonderful Creation that we talked about in the first two chapters. Nevertheless, the universe that emerged from the Big Bang could have been much different from the one that did emerge–ours.

Continue reading The Rhythm of The Atoms

The Four Forces

The speed of the Big Bang’s explosion is only one of the remarkable states of equilibrium at the initial moment of Creation. Immediately after the Big Bang, forces that underpin and organize the universe we live in had to be numerically “just right” otherwise there would have been no universe.

Continue reading The Four Forces